The Top  20  Biggest Nutrition Myths

Here are 20 of the biggest myths related to nutrition, and why these antiquated beliefs need to be put to rest. 

*  The “calories in, calories out” theory doesn’t account for several variables that may prevent someone from losing weight. 

1. Many factors, such as genetics, medical conditions, and metabolic adaptations, make weight loss much harder for some. 

2. Many high fat foods are extremely nutritious and can help you maintain a healthy weight. 

3. Eating breakfast is not necessary for everyone. Health benefits are associated with both eating breakfast and skipping it. 

4. Eating frequent meals throughout the day is not the best way to promote weight loss. Research shows that a regular meal pattern may be best for health. 

5. Non-nutritive sweeteners may lead to adverse health outcomes, such as an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and negative changes to gut bacteria. 

6. Although tweaking macro ratios can be helpful in some ways, the most important way to promote overall health is to follow a diet rich in whole 

7. White potatoes are a nutritious carb choice — just be sure to enjoy them in more healthful ways, such as roasted or baked. 

8. Low fat and diet foods are typically high in sugar and salt. Unaltered higher fat alternatives are often a healthier choice. 

9. Supplements are useful and often necessary in many populations. The use of common medications, age, and certain medical conditions 

10. Very low calorie diets lead to metabolic adaptations that make long-term weight maintenance difficult. 

11. Though obesity increases your risk of disease, you don’t have to be skinny to be healthy 

12. Although medical professionals commonly prescribe calcium supplements, current research shows that these supplements may do more harm than good. 

13. Fiber supplements should not be used as a replacement for nutritious, high fiber foods. 

14. Many store-bought juices and smoothies are packed with added sugar and calories. 

15. Current research suggests that probiotic supplements may not benefit everyone and should not be prescribed as a one-size-fits-all supplement. 

16. Weight loss is difficult for most people and requires consistency, self-love, hard work, and patience. 

17. Although tracking calories may help some people lose weight, it’s not necessary for everyone and may lead to disordered eating tendencies. 

18. High cholesterol foods like eggs and full fat yogurt are highly nutritious. Although genetic factors make some people more sensitive 

19. Eating disorders affect both men and women. However, eating disorders present differently in men than women 

20. Including healthy carb choices in your diet won’t make you gain weight. However, following unhealthy eating patterns carb-rich sugary foods will lead to weight gain. 

*  highlighting the need for eating disorder treatments that are better adapted to the male population. 

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11 Foods That May Contribute to Weight Gain.