Durian Fruit Potent smell but Incredibly Nutritious

This article tells you everything you need to know about durian.

* Durian is a unique tropical fruit. It’s popular in Southeast Asia, where it’s nicknamed “the king of fruits.”

* Durian is very high in nutrients, containing more than most other fruits. 

1. Durian is an ingredient in both sweet and savory Southeast Asian dishes. It’s also used in traditional medicine.

2. Durian is a very nutritious fruit that’s rich in fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C, and various healthy plant compounds.

3. Durian contains nutrients and plant compounds that may offer several health benefits, including for cancer, heart health, infections, and blood sugar control.

4. Durian contains compounds that may prevent alcohol from being fully metabolized, causing symptoms like nausea and vomiting.

5. You can buy fresh or frozen durian and eat it directly or combined with other ingredients in recipes. 

 6. Durian contains aromatic compounds that give it a strong smell. Some people enjoy the smell, while others hate it. 

* Durian fruit is incredibly high in healthy nutrients, including B vitamins, vitamin C, minerals, plant compounds, healthy fats, and fiber. 

* The flesh of durian is highly nutritious, as it’s a rich source of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and B vitamins.  

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