8 surprising health benefits of wakame seaweed   

Here are 8 surprising health benefits of wakame seaweed.

*Wakame is a type of edible seaweed that has been cultivated in Japan and Korea for centuries.

*In addition to bringing a unique taste and texture to soups and salads, wakame is low in calories but high in several nutrients that are essential to health.

*Plus, it offers a long list of potential benefits, including improved heart health and enhanced weight loss.

1. Wakame is very low in calories but contains a good amount of iodine, manganese, folate, magnesium and calcium.

2. Wakame is a good source of iodine, which is essential to thyroid function and the production of thyroid hormones.

3. Animal and human studies show that wakame may help reduce blood pressure levels, but more research is needed to better understand cause and effect.

4. Animal studies have found that wakame may lower cholesterol levels to help promote heart health. However, human research is lacking.

5. Test-tube and animal studies show that wakame may help block the growth and spread of cancer cells, but the research remains inconclusive.

6. Animal studies show that wakame can reduce glucose production in the body and prevent insulin resistance to keep blood sugar under control.

7. Several animal studies have found that wakame can prevent weight gain and reduce the amount of fat tissue in the body.

8. Wakame can be soaked and added to soups, salads and side dishes to enhance the nutrient profile of your favorite foods.

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