what are the benefits of yellow watermelon?

Nutritionally yellow watermelon is a great snack with only 46 calories per cup. It is high in vitamins A and C, making it good for your immune system and skin health. 

Yellow watermelon contains more of the antioxidant beta-carotene than red watermelon. Beta-carotene is thought to protect against cancer and eye disease.

If I said “close your eyes and picture a watermelon”, chances are you would imagine a large melon with green skin and a brightly coloured pinkish-red interior.

But did you know that not all watermelons are red?  Yellow watermelon is just one of many varieties of watermelon available around the world.

So what’s the difference between red and yellow and why should you give yellow watermelon a try?

Red watermelons contain a chemical called lycopene that produces the red colour in fruits and vegetables like tomatoes.

The lack of lycopene in yellow watermelon results in their yellow flesh.

Yellow watermelons were actually cultivated before red melons. 


Yellow watermelon taste

They were first grown in Africa about 5000 years ago and then went through cross-breeding to produce red watermelon.

Yellow watermelons are generally slightly sweeter than red watermelon and have a honey-like flavour.


Yellow watermelon nutrition

Use yellow watermelon in fruit salads, on platters and in desserts, smoothies and juices. 

It’s high water content makes it ideal for keeping you hydrated and it tastes delicious.

What watermelon is healthiest?

Loaded With Lycopene

To load up on lycopene, choose a melon with bright red flesh rather than yellow or orange. 

And the riper, the better. Also, seedless melon tends to have more lycopene than those with seeds.


The Top 9 Health Benefits of Watermelon 


Yellow watermelon season


Pomegranate: 10 Health and Nutritional Benefits