Dolphins All-Pro WR Tyreek Hill says he will retire at 31 after 2025 season

Tyreek Hill says he plans to retire at the end of his current contract with the Miami Dolphins to pursue projects outside football.

“I’m going for 10 [seasons], man,” Hill, who will be 31 when his contract runs out after the 2025 season, told Sports Radio 810 in Kansas City, Missouri, on Wednesday.

“I’m going to finish out this contract with the Dolphins and then I’m going to call it quits. I want to go into the business side. I want to do so many things in my life, bro.”

Hill was traded to the Dolphins in March 2022 and signed a four-year, $120m extension that made him the highest-paid receiver in the NFL in terms of annual average value.

Hill was traded to the Dolphins in March 2022 and signed a four-year, $120m extension that made him the highest-paid receiver in the NFL in terms of annual average value.

“So I really want to get into, like, the gaming space,” Hill said. “I really want to get huge in that, and that’s kind of what I’m doing right now.

I’m using my platform, creating a gaming team, which isn’t launched yet. It should launch by the end of this month.

I’m going to just sign, like, different content creators, different athletes. I just been working that, talking to different sponsors.”

Hill also had a message for fans of his former team, the Kansas City Chiefs, who the Dolphins face in the upcoming season.

“Chiefs Kingdom, when the Miami Dolphins come to Arrowhead Stadium this year, guess what we gonna do?” Hill said. “Guess what we gonna do? I hate to say it, man.

I hate to throw up the peace sign against y’all. I hate to do it! But guess what? I’m gonna be y’all worst enemy that day. I’m gonna be y’all worst enemy that day.”

Hill finished second in the NFL with 119 receptions and 1,710 yards for the Dolphins in 2022, earning his fourth All-Pro nod and seventh Pro Bowl selection.

He caught seven touchdown passes, giving him 63 for his career. we have a small favour to ask.

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