How Many Calories Should You Eat Per Day to Lose Weight?

To lose one pound of weight per week, you should consume approximately 1,500 calories per day. 

Active women who walk for over 3 miles per day need to consume at least 2,200 calories to maintain their weight. 

To lose one pound of weight per week, you should consume approximately 1,700 calories per day.

How is Weight Loss achieved by Target Date? In order to know the weight loss by a target day, the below-mentioned formula is applied:

Calories to sustain weight = Basal Metabolic Rate * Activity Level ....  For this, you need to know the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and the Activity Level.

The BMR is achieved by applying the Harris Benedict Equation which is: ... For males: BMR = 66.47 + (13.75 * weight in kg) + (5.003 * height in cm) - (6.755 * age in years)

The BMR in men utilizes three components.  The first component is got by multiplying the weight in kilograms by 13.75. The second component


is achieved by multiplying height in centimeters by 5.003.  The third component is achieved by multiplying the age in years by 6.755. Finally,

the first and second component are added to 66.47 and then the  third component is subtracted from this addition to complete the equation.

For females: BMR = 655.1 + (9.563 * weight in kg) + (1.85 * height in cm) - (4.676 * age in years) ... The BMR in women utilizes three components. 

first component is got by multiplying the weight in kilograms by 9.563. The second component is achieved by multiplying height in centimeters by1.85. 

The third component is achieved by multiplying the age in years by 4.676.  Finally, the first and second component are added to 655.1 and

then the third component is subtracted from this addition to complete the equation.  The activity levels are classified into the below- mentioned levels:

When a person has little to no exercise (1.2),  he or she is said to be in the Sedentary Activity Level When a person has light exercise 

or light sports at least one to three times per week (1.375),  he or she is said to be in the Slightly Activity Level .... When a person has a moderate

amount of exercises or sports three to five times per week (1.55),  he or she is said to be in the Moderately Activity Level .. When a person does hard 

exercises or sports six to seven times per week (1.725),  he or she is said to be in the Very Activity Level .... When a person does rigorous exercises 

or sports or physical training (1.9), he or she is said to be in the Extra  Activity Level ...  If you aim at losing weight, You can use the below

formula to find the required calories for losing your weight ..  Calories for losing weight = (weight in kg - target weight in kg) * (1100 / goal date in weeks)

Required calories to achieve the target weight = calories to sustain weight - calories for losing weight  If you aim at gaining weight, For 

a weight gain of 2.2 pounds or one kilogram in a week one will need 1100 calories.  You can use the below formula to find the required calories

for gaining your weight. Calories for gaining weight = (target weight in kg - weight in kg) * (1100 / goal date in weeks)

Required calories to achieve the target weight = calories to sustain weight + calories for gaining weight


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