This 15-Minute Abs Routine Humbled Me With Just Three Bodyweight Moves

This 15-Minute Abs Routine Humbled Me With Just Three Bodyweight Moves : The benefits of having a stronger core are common knowledge to all of us—improved posture, stability, mobility, and many other benefits. Nevertheless, I don’t exercise my body or my abs very often while aware of this fact.

It is a bothersome and exhausting experience. This 15-minute abs routine from personal trainer Oyinda Okunowo depicts how I work out my abdominal muscles on the few occasions I find time to do so.

Because there are just three motions, each one offering a variation, this routine is perfect for someone like me who only occasionally engages in abdominal exercises. You’ll need an exercise mat if you want a softer surface to sleep on, but other than that, it’s pretty easy to perform at home since no special equipment is necessary. I used it as a finishing move for my leg workout with kettlebells, and I also used it to work on my core.

After a minute of relaxation, Okunowo suggests doing three sets of exercises, each of which should be performed for 30 seconds (or 30 seconds on each side). Holy cow, I could have used that break.

Even though the three exercises—variations of the V-sit, the oblique crunch, and the reverse crunch—are simple to do, the availability of modifications proved very helpful. By the third round, it was clear that I was considering them, but I continued nonetheless.

If you want to have a six-pack, this exercise will help you develop your obliques and abdominal muscles, but there are other things you should do to work toward that goal. Even though this workout targets abdominal strength, you need more than these tactics to help you produce prominent abs. As a result, you will need to reduce your body fat percentage to attain this goal.

This is because you cannot target specific fat stores inside the body. It is difficult, but not impossible, to obtain the lowest healthy body fat percentage essential for visibly defined abdominal muscles.

It requires a consistent program that combines fat-burning activities with specific abdominal training and a diet that encourages the development of six-pack abs. On the other hand, you will get many extra benefits if you continue to do stomach exercises on an ad hoc basis, as I do. Have I mentioned improved posture, as well as increased stability and mobility?

After that, I will perform this rapid abs workout for five minutes, and then I will do this abdominal exercise with dumbbells.

Is 15 minutes of ab workout enough?

The good news? If you know what you are doing, 15 minutes is all you need to make a difference. Please continue reading for our ultimate ab exercise that can be completed in only 15 minutes and will get your abdominal muscles in much better shape. We are down to the wire.

How many calories do you burn in a 15 minute ab workout?

According to HealthStatus, a person who weighs 165 pounds burns just 84 calories in 15 minutes of moderate-level situps or crunches and 151 calories in 15 minutes of severe-intensity situps or crunches while doing these exercises.

What stomach exercises can I do at the gym?

  1. Crunches.
  2. Bicycle Crunches.
  3. Sit Ups.
  4. Hand Walk Outs.
  5. Russian Twists.

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